Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vineyards in Bucks County PA

Pick Your Own Farms ~ Pennsylvania

CSA shares in PA

Pick Your Own Farms ~ Montgomery County

Longview Center for Agriculture 
3215 Stump Hall Road
Collegeville, PA
website: longviewfarmmarket.org

A beautiful farm preserved on 124 acres of land that uses sustainable organic growing methods to produce fresh, healthy, fruits and vegetables. Managed by A Project of Greener Partners, this center provides educational opportunities for community members and new farmers. More than just a retail market, Greener Partners, a non-profit organization that manages the Longview Farms says 

we're dedicated to building community through sustainable farming and farm-based education, and our highest aim is to inspire individuals and families in greater Philadelphia to connect with farmers, the environment and each other. - http://www.greenerpartners.org/about/#sthash.0KTsXvpI.dpuf

The Longview Food Market (on-site) sells humane dairy and meats, local jams/jellies and other natural household and food items. One of their goals is to support local communities by growing and teaching sustainable food and food practices. 

Pick your own schedule (taken from their website):

Pick Your Own ~ Bucks County Farms